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With a history dating back over 2000 years, Axum is a center of lovely legends, splendid monuments, and on going archeological research. It is said   that the Queen of Sheba lived here, and here her son, Menlik I, fruit of sojourn with King Solomon, is supposed to have been born. Legend says that ruined palace was hers and Menelik brought with him from Israel the Ark of the convenient, which is housed in a guarded sanctuary. Axum is a holy city to Ethiopians, for it was to Axum that Christianity was brought in the 4th century during in the reign of King Izana, by Freminatus, who was later consecrated Bishop of Axum by St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria. The great stone monoliths of Axum, called steale, are awe-inspiring. The largest of them all, 34 mts is lying broken on the ground

This strange isolated town in the mountains of Lasta is famed for its rock-hewn churches built by King Lalibella in the 12th century standing in two groups on either side of the river called Jordan. the churches are still worshipped today.
The logistics of the construction of these churches is baffling to experts today as to the royal chroniclers of the old. These remarkable edifices, which were curved out of solid rocks, are ranked with imminent wonders of the world.

Gondar was the 17th century capital of Ethiopia. Found by Emperor Fasiledes who built  its first and most famous castle. Gondar's growth continued with his predecessors each of who built other castles. Nearby is the church of Debre Birahn Sellassie "Light of the Trinity" whose dramatic wall and ceiling paintings will surprise even the most jaded visitor. The Semien Mountains constitute of the major mountain massifs of Africa, culminating in Ras Dejen, at 4260 mts. the highest point in Ethiopia. One of the best reasons to visit this park is the opportunity to see the rarest of animals, the Walia Ibex. The Gelada Baboon and the Semien fox, also unique to Ethiopia could also be seen here.

Ethiopia's Rift Valley Lakes are known to be one of the biggest birds' sancturaries in Africa. Each of these Series of lakes have their own characterstics, inhabiting a great number of wild animals and sheltering different species of birds as well as providing ideal habitat for the exuberant variety of flora and fauna. The popular and most frequented of these lakes are Lake Zway, Lake Langano, Lake Abiata, Lake Shala and Lake Awassa.