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The old name of Abyssinia indicates the nature of the terrain - a cool mountain strong-hold riven by countless abysses down which tumble mighty rivers to the warm lowlands and sweltering deserts. It is a land too of lakes and forests, of moorland and savanna, a land of pastoralists and tribesmen, nomads and farmers. Only too many tour companies give precedence to the scenic and historic heritage over contacting the people, understanding what motivates their lives, what are their joys and sorrows. At Abyssinian Tours & Travel we believe that you will enjoy meeting Ethiopians, just as they by long tradition delight in and prize the company of those who have come from afar. Whether that means a friendly greeting at the wayside, an invitation to coffee, or a convivial traditional meal and dance. To get the most out of your stay here you will need a sense of humor and fun, innate to Ethiopia's, a real love of travel and endless curiosity. For your interests and enthusiasms matter to us. We value the freshness with which your eyes see our country, and the exciting dialogues which always grow spontaneously when travelers, hosts and citizens meet. Where Exactly? Loving this country as we do, we wish we had time to show you everything. Here are just some of the exciting programs we offer:
Few Information About Ethiopia Ethiopia offers a wide scope for enjoying an invigorating climate and has excellent facilities for sight seeing. mountaineering, hunting, fishing, motoring, photography, swimming, and sun bathing. Ethiopia is one of the most colorful countries in the world. It has towering mountains, cool temperate uplands, tropical lowlands, hot deserts, lakes forests full of wild game, ruins of monuments dating from the past 2000 years, rock-hewn churches ancient monasteries, fashionable spas, picturesque native life and nomadic culture in its most natural background. Physical Features Religion Language Food Dress Climate The rainfall decrease northwards. On the eastern and central parts of the plateau, the temperature is uniform throughout the year with little variations. History The Ethiopian new year begins on the first day of the month of Meskerm which falls on September. The year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each, the remaining five days (or six in leap year) become the thirteenth month of the year-thus, depicting the country's tourist maxim: "Thirteen Months of Sunshine". The day of 24 hours begins at sunset and divisions of the day and night are reckoned from sunrise to sunset. For example, 7 a.m. European reckoning is 1 O'clock. Location Boundaries Extent Electricity Time Weights and Measures Entry Requirements Health |