About Ethiopia
Historical Places     —•
Attraction Sites      —•
Holy Days

Abyssinian Tours and Travel

Abyssinian Tours & Travel welcomes you and congratulates you for deciding to take time to visit his country of endless marvels. No traveler to Ethiopia has ever regretted coming here. On the countrary, it has been the opinion of all who have visited us that they could never had enough time to see and enjoy what the country has to offer be it in the west, East, North or South
Important Links
Addis Ababa Hilton
Sheraton Addis
Ethiopian AirLines
Ethiopian Tourism Comm.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ethiopian Millennium
See Ethiopia
Real Ethiopia
Abyssinian Tours & Travel
P.o.box 100359
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: + 251-15-519293
      + 251-91-203013
Fax:+ 251-15-519217
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