About Us
About Ethiopia
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Abyssinian Tours & Travel Car
Abyssinian Tours & Travel Car

  About Us

Abyssinian Tours & Travel was established by dedicated tour professionals in 1995. It has amassed a wealth of experience in its long existence. From its inception till now, the satisfaction, well being an overall safety of its clients has come as a first proiority.

Our motto is "We Care!". We tell all who want to get a deep insight about Ethiopia to "Come to us for we know the road". Our potential to take you to the four corners of Ethiopia regardless of the number of clients, age, sex and physical conditions makes us the number one tour operator for off the beaten track and tailor-made tours

Specialty of Abyssinian
Tours & Travel

We pride ourselves on the fact that we can accomodate any traveler in spite of interest, age, physical condition, the time they have and their budget. In short, we will come up with a tailor-made program to fit the client according to his or her request.

Those who want easy adventure walking, bird watching and film crews will find the flexibility of our itineraries to their liking.

On top all the above, we will take care of your hotel and flight reservations, arrange car hires and guidance service in the major international languages.

Last but not least a good guide book on Ethiopia will help the potential client to decide on what to see and how to go about it while here.

Abyssinian Tours & Travel P.o.box 100359 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: + 251-15-519293 , + 251-91-203013, Fax:+ 251-15-519217
Important Links
Addis Ababa Hilton
Sheraton Addis
Ethiopian AirLines
Ethiopian Tourism Comm.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ethiopian Millennium
See Ethiopia
Real Ethiopia
Abyssinian Tours & Travel Car
Abyssinian Tours & Travel Car
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